Organization & Training

Reduce training time, improve quality control, and get a handle on those complex projects that threaten to suck up all your time. A little bit of quality organization and project management can go a long way toward reducing errors and getting work done faster and more efficiently (or simply getting things done!)
Are you frustrated because you lack sufficient time to devote to quality training?
Are you struggling with a team that is diverse in age and learning styles?
Are you in need of organizational advice?
Are you unhappy with the poor quality of your deliverables?
Are you struggling with time management?
Is your team under-performing?
Does the idea of entering the social media world make you groan?
Our knack for increasing efficiencies and productivity saves you valuable time and money. Our consulting is completely customized to your business using your actual situation, software, and data.
We will:
Modernize and streamline your procedures and training tools to be inclusive of multiple generations and different learning styles of your team members
Provide step-by-step written instructions with accompanying screen shots, as well as custom training videos showing the real-time use of your software carrying out your tasks correctly and efficiently
Analyze your current processes and systems and provide detailed, written checklists for your team to follow in order to systematically catch errors and improve the quality of your product
Tackle the project that no one has time for, the one that never rises high enough on the priority list to be completed, although you know it will improve your operations
Set you up on social media and develop a strategy that aligns with your vision, story, and brand
We can help:
Small businesses who want to improve efficiency, increase employee performance, and increase quality and consistency of their deliverables
Consultants, solopreneurs and self-employed professionals who lack the time or energy to analyze their processes and organizational tools
Small family-owned wineries and other small businesses who need help with social media marketing
Couples in business together and family businesses who could use a neutral third party to analyze and advise on their processes and procedures
Anyone who needs help tackling an overwhelming task like moving a home or office, planning a small event, or planning and organizing a trip
Here's how.

Example 1: A firm pays their accountant higher than expected fees because their administrative team is entering and coding QuickBooks entries incorrectly, and the accountant has to spend time, at a much higher hourly rate, fixing the entries.
Our role: We discuss the issues with the accountant to determine the correct way to enter and code the items, then write step-by-step procedures (Standard Operating Procedures, SOPs) for the administrative staff so they will correctly enter expenses and other applicable items. Because the team has different learning styles we also record step-by-step videos of the company’s QuickBooks software showing the correct procedure to complete the tasks.
Click here to see an example of a written procedure for correctly entering a vendor's bill into QuickBooks as well as an example of a short training video that complements the written procedure.

Example 2: An architecture firm is frustrated that their clients are complaining about receiving plans with inconsistencies and errors that must be corrected before the project can move forward.
Our role: We analyze the company’s current quality control process, then provide updated procedures that include written instructions for drafters to follow before they deliver the plans to a manager for review. We also provide a quality control checklist that a team member not familiar with the project (i.e. someone with ‘fresh eyes’) can use prior to sending the plans out the door. The new systems increase the quality and consistency of the firm’s deliverables to their clients.

Example 3: A small family-owned winery has little to no social media presence and knows they need to get out there to market their wines but are not sure how to approach the monster.
Our role: We meet with the family and learn about their history, vineyards, wine, and goals. We set them up on the social media sites that are right for them and develop a strategy that aligns with their vision, story, and brand. Because they do not want to manage their social media just yet, we develop content, grow their following, and manage their postings.
Do you have a project & don't know how to begin to tackle it? Click here for a sample tool that we developed that will help you think through the process: start with the deliverable and work backward to figure out what steps are needed, in what order they will be completed, who will complete them, and how they will be completed. This is a sample tool that can easily be customized to your needs.
Ready to talk about your project? Please set up a time to talk to Rachel and see if our skills would be a good match for your project!